So today I would have
blogged kvetched about cleaning the playroom and how puzzle pieces and game pieces are not where they are supposed to be. And why do my kids have so many toys that they don't use???
Today I will only say BARUCH HASHEM !!!!!
It seems so trivial for me to be discussing my Pesach cleaning today. B"H I AM doing my cleaning. B"H I have what to
blog kvetch about. B"H my husband and children are alive..BA"H. B"H I have Purim and Pesach with my family to look forward to. My heart and tefillos go out to the Fogel family all over the world. You lived and died in our HOME. May you memory be a blessing. May Hashem give us all the strength to stay strong and to never stop having Bitachon. Hashem
will show us the other side of the tapestry and we need to
NEVER stop believing.
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