So a monumental event has occurred in our house...the crib has been put away and replaced with a Big Boy bed. SY was sleeping in his big brothers bed for a week now and before that his crib. YES HIS CRIB !!!! He NEVER climbed out of it, never expressed any displeasure being behind why should I rock the boat and take him out???
Now this crib has served me well...17 years...4 kids so I know I should be saying B"H. (side crib is a drop down side...GASP...and B"H BA" kids survived. Their heads are still attached and have all 10 fingers) but I'm sad. Sad that at this moment there is no one to go into right now. Happy too....happy that I have made it to this point in my life. B"H my kids are growing up and I'm starting to reap the toils of my labor. I am seeing little boys emerge into men...and sensitive ones too. Last week at visiting day when I told BD and MN to watch over SY when we left to make sure he was okay ...they did. They "hung out" together for about a 1/2 hour. My boys hanging out together. I still get tears in my eyes thinking of that. They have been listening to my mantra "there will never be anyone else in this world who will love you unconditionally as a sibling does"
So why am I sad??? I'm not ready to get out of the "little children" stage. I"ll miss those times of going to the library as the fun activity of the day. Or going to feed the ducks. Now the boys will go for SY's sake but 5 min. later they give that look "okay so NOW are we going to do something FUN"
So as I transition and leave the crib days behind I am sad and happy....
And maybe ....I'll need to put it up again...hey..nes do happen all the time.....